
Ole D. Wolthers


Vestre Bakkevej 36
8900 Randers

Working adress

Østervold 30, 3
DK-8900 Randers

Telephone: + 45 87 10 08 08
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


I graduated from Aarhus University Medical School in 1984 and specialized in Paediatrics in 1993. During 1993-1997 I trained at various Danish and British hospitals to acquire subspeciality expertise within the fields of paediatric allergology and endocrinology.


1997-2000: Consultant Paediatrician at The Department of Paediatrics, Randers Hospital, Denmark.
1997-2000: Clinical lecturer at Aarhus University Medical School, Aarhus, Denmark.
2000-2001: Consultant Paediatrician, DSI Danish Healthcare Research Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2001: Consultant Paediatrician at Children´sClinicRanders, Randers, Denmark.
2005: Honorary Assistant Professor at Aarhus University Medical School, Aarhus, Denmark.


Research and academic activities

My research fields are inflammation markers in allergic disease and pathophysiological mechanisms of exogeneous glucocorticoid induced effects in children with asthma and allergic disease including effects on growth, bone and collagen turnover and effects on growth hormone, the insulin-like growth factor axis, and on skin. I have a long term interest in treatment of paediatric asthma and rhinitis.

My thesis "Knemometry in the Assessment of Systemic Activity of Exogeneous glucocorticosteroids in Children with Asthma and Rhinitis" was published in April 1996 (FaDL, Copenhagen).

I have published extensively in the medical literature (see Publications) and at international scientific meetings. I am a co-Editor of several scientific journals. I have been and I am a mentor for PhD and other students.

I have conducted several clinical studies as an investigator in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies such as GlaxoSmithKline; Merck, Sharp & Dohme; Chiesi Pharmaceuticals; Fujisawa Scandinavia, TEVA, Mundipharma. On several occasions our clinic has been evaluated and passed internal and external audits of clinical studies.